1. Tay Zonday

    I like how you made fun of my “Chocolate Rain” song. Nice one. And yes I am Tay Zonday

  2. Tay Zonday As Well

    Wow! What a coincidence! I am ALSO Tay Zonday, and I am equally impressed!

  3. Also Tay Zonday

    Incidentally, I am also Tay Zonday and I share your feelings.

  4. Hey guys, I`m the real Tay Zonday.I`m not kidding in my whole life. I don`t like the zombie music kind. But, I like the effect. Please don`t make fun of my songs.

    Thank You,
    Tay Z.

  5. Tay Zonday

    I am tay Zonday and this is pretty shocking.

  6. PC

    I’m not Tay Zonday! Wow!

    I must say, though I do prefer the original on this one. Perhaps it is because the Zombie effects scare me slightly. 🙂

  7. Not Tay Zonday

    i dont like the song at all ^^

  8. Brianna

    the zombie effects scare me a litle then the orignal

  9. Father of Tay Zonday

    who the f*** is playing with my kid’s name..kick you little bastards

  10. Not Tay Zonday #2

    I cried, it was too funny. The I move away from the mic to spew blood part was funny.

  11. im not tay zonday!

    i know… i know…. im board!

  12. im not tay zonday!

    huh? tay zonday dad was here? he look biger then i thought

  13. Will The Real Tay Zonday Stand Up

    screw the imposters, I AM GAY!!!!, I mean TAY!! 🙂


    Pretty funny video about my song. Yes I am Tay Zonday…The real Tay Zonday. “Changing the world one song at a time”, please feel free to quote me on that.

  15. Baby Zonday

    I’m baby Zonday, sitting in the womb…about to be born.

  16. jake

    What the hell zombay dosen’t scare me errr… mabe he dose or mabe not

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