Shadow Magic: Dark Matter

The oldest of the performance arts, magic and illusion, seems to be once again gaining popularity. It’s refreshing to see that in a world full of technological wonder, where many of us take the science behind our conveniences for granted, we are still entertained by magic.

Perhaps the exponential nature of our current technological trends are playing a role in the art’s increased attention. Today’s common gadgets compared to yesterday’s clunky appliances may appear relatively magical. They may be sleeker and able to do incredible things, but as devices, they are still familiar, tangible and soon to be ordinary.

Great illusions, on the other hand, do not appear to rely on technology to produce their intended effects of impossibility – which is why so many classic tricks use simple objects such as playing cards. Because of this, the more we take our technology for granted, the more we might appreciate the art of magic. While the magician is not pushing any buttons or using technological means to power his effects, both technology as well as magic rely on science to exist.

As we embark on our technological journey into the 21st century, we must realize that we have only left the doorstep, as 99.9% of the world around us has yet to be explained through science and applied to our developing technology. This leaves virtually everything in the realm of magic, awaiting to be discovered.

Before any interesting scientific observation is applied toward a specific technological task, you will almost certainly see it in the art of magic. This presentation is an effect I have been developing, which depicts the harnessing of the mysterious energy only recently acknowledged by the scientific community, Dark Matter.

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