Caravaggio’s Zombie
Zombifying an already creepy Renaissance masterpeice by Caravaggio.
Renaissance masterpieces re-visited by A. Saleem.
Zombifying an already creepy Renaissance masterpeice by Caravaggio.
Mona Lisa’s mysterious existence seems to have been documented solely by her legendary portrait. To explore her persona in new perspective, the following presents a view of her that only Da Vinci could have seen for certain. Her profile was created using the original portrait, retaining both the artistic style of Da Vinci, as well as the physical features of Mona Lisa herself.
After seeing Shoot ‘Em Up, I have to wonder what made Clive Owen take on the role. Did he read the script?
Digitally modifying a classic renaissance masterpiece by placing its historically blind subject into a new context.
Encapsulating Venus in a cube comprised of her original surroundings.
Adding dimension to a classic painting.
The Mona Lisa is the definitive manifestation of creativity, expression and timeless beauty. She was born in an era when science, innovation, religion and spirituality were in a tug of war with humanity’s intellectual and creative attention.